Bulk conversion and AI content creation, simplified

Safe & Secure

Convert using template

Convert any file type (Word, RTF, html, Markdown, ODT)

Large file mode

Auto Download Output files

Our products are used by a growing community of over 4,000 people worldwide.

Streamline your workflow and Save your time

Everything you need to Convert files from One Type to Other

Convert from one type to another

Safe and Secure
Your documents are never uploaded to our servers. Merging happens entirely within your Google account, ensuring your data privacy.
Convert using a template
You can reuse an existing document as a template for your newly Convert document.

This copies over access settings to the newly converted documents.
Convert Google Docs to PDF
Converts multiple Google Docs to PDF and saves them to your Google Drive for easy sharing. Plus, downloads them automatically.
Google Docs to Microsoft Word
Converts multiple Google Docs to Microsoft Word and saves them to your Google Drive for easy sharing. Plus, downloads them automatically.
Large File Mode
Google Apps Script has a quota limit of 6 minutes for a function's execution time. In normal mode, where files are processed one by one, large documents might not get the full 6 minutes needed for successful merging.

Large file mode addresses this limitation. When enabled, large file mode grants each document a maximum of 6 minutes for reading and merging. This ensures successful merging of even large documents.
Auto Download Output
The tool automatically downloads your merged document in both PDF and EPUB formats, making it easy to share with collaborators or publish your work.
We listen to our users
Missing a Feature? We Want to Hear From You! Do you have ideas to improve your document merging workflow? Share your feedback with us - we're always looking for ways to make the tool even better.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why Bulk Converter Pro?

Bulk Convert Pro is an add-on that helps to Convert multiple files into another format seamlessly.

Do i need to login to any other portal to use Bulk Converter Pro?

No, you can use the add on from the extensions menu. No need to login to a separate portal.

What do I need to start?

Install the Bulk Converter Pro add on from the Google Workspace Marketplace, start converting. Its that easy.